Tracking Video Interactions with Player APIs

Technical entry for Google submitted on 9/18/2017 10:04:03 AM by Nico Miceli

As we spend more and more money with video tracking we need to see the payoff and if it’s leading to extra revenue. All the big platforms have analytics built in but we still want to capture events in Google Analytics or Adobe so we can apply see how they affect conversion rate in this visit or future ones. To do this you need to tap into their JavaScript player APIs and use the API events to push data to your analytics platform. This is a common thing for developers but isn’t always used by technical analysts for implementation.

Here are the following four biggest player APIs:

· Youtube [detailed walk through]
· Wistia(detailed walk through)
· Vimeo
· JW Player

Here is an example of using the youtube API, note sometimes you have to create your own player events for specific metrics based on logic. For example, there is no start video metric but there is a play event and you can check the time when a play event is triggered. So check if the time is 0 when the play is triggered and boom! you got your start event.

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